
Showing posts from May, 2021
  Docker Docker is a Linux-based & open-source platform. Most popular tool for application containerization. Docker Increased efficiency & reduces operational overheads. So, developer can build a stable and reliable application. Docker containers offer, ·          OS-level abstraction with optimum resource utilization. ·          Efficient build and test ·          Faster application execution ·          Interoperability Docker containers modularize an application’s functionality into multiple components that provide testing, deploying and scaling independently. Anyone can maintain the database and independently when it is needed. Component of a docker architecture Ø        Images Ø        Containers Ø        Registries Ø        Docker Engine                A Docker Engine uses a client-server architecture and consists of the following sub-components:             1. The Docker Daemon                                         2.The Docker Client     
  Spring Boot             Spring boot is an opensource Java base framework. It is used to make micro services. Spring boot is developed by Pivotal Team and it used for to build stand alone production ready spring applications. Let’s see what is Micro Service             It is an architecture that helps developers to develop and deploy services independently. Every service has its each process and it achieves the light weight model. It supports for business applications Micro services offer the following advantages for developers v   Easy deployment v   Simple scalability v   Compatible with Containers v   Minimum configuration v   Lesser production time Now let’s see what is Spring boot             It provides best platform for java developers to develop standalone and production grade spring application that can just run. Spring Boot offers the following advantages to its developers v   Easy to understand and develop spring applications v   Increases produc
Maven What is Maven and Why it uses? Maven  is a powerful project management tool that is based on POM (project object model). It is  used  for projects build, dependency and documentation. Maven  is a tool that can be  used  for building and managing any Java-based project . How Maven Works? What are the Maven Objectives? Making the build process easy Providing a uniform build system Providing quality project information Encouraging better development practices What are the quality project information that we can get from Maven? Maven aims to gather current principles for best practices development and make it easy to guide a project. For example, specification, execution, and reporting of unit tests are part of the normal build cycle using Maven. Current unit testing best practices were used as under guidelines: Change log created directly from source control Cross referenced sources Mailing lists managed by the project Dependencies used by the pr