Java Script

In September 1995, Brandan Eich was founded the JavaScript Language. This Scripting language was developed by him just 10 days. It was originally named as Mocha. After some time with more developing, it named as JavaScript.  JavaScript work as both scripting and programming languages that helps user to implements their webpages more complexly.

            Normally, web pages including with HTML and CSS have statics information to look at, just sit and see. HTML is the markup language that we use to make a web page, for example add images, paragraphs, headings, tables, add videos etc. CSS is a language that we use to stylish the web page more attractively. For example, background colors, different fronts, layouts etc.

            HTML, CSS, and JavaScript are the three layers of a cake. We can just eat cake with two layers but adding a more layer means the taste of the cake will be better. The three layers build on top of one another very nicely. All three layers gives a separate different to the website.

             With Finding out JavaScript, the web developing filed have been moved to another path. JavaScript add more features to the website. With JavaScript we can do lot of things as a scripting language. For example, animate images, handle multimedia, dynamically updating data etc.

            JavaScript is a high-level programming language also. JavaScript is an excellent choice for learning the basic of programming. Like other programming languages, JavaScript also consisting with the conditionals, loops, functions, input/outputs, recursion, arrays, objects etc.

            JavaScript has separate different than other programming languages. JavaScript was only interpreted at one time, but run through the JIT(Just-In-Time) compiler. Java programming language we typed in statically and Strongly typed. But JavaScript we typed in dynamically and not Strongly typed. But JavaScript truly support for the many other languages also. 




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