Koa.js was designed by the team behind express. It is an open source Node.js web framework. As their official website says, the framework aims to be a smaller, more expressive, and more robust foundation for web applications and APIs. Asynchronous function uses Koa.js to help eliminate the need for callbacks and significantly improves error handling.

Koa.js features

          Koa.js has its own unique features that make it more developer friendly and expressive. There under the highlights of features in Koa.

1.Koa.js is modern than other Node.js frameworks, Koa.js provides a bunch of new classes and modules, which makes the development of complex applications simpler, which is based on ES6. This helps developers to do creational maintainable applications.

2.ES6 generators use to simplify synchronous programming and facilitate the flow of controls.

3.Koa.js has a small footprint compared to other Node.js frameworks. That helps developers to write thinner middleware.

4.Koa.js has built-in catchall for errors that help prevent website crashes.

5.Koa.js uses a context object which is an encapsulation of request and response objects.

Who uses Koa.js?

          Many companies use Koa.js framework for their websites and web APIs. Below is a shortlist of five globally recognized companies that use Koa.js framework.

1.     Paralect

2.     Pubu

3.     Bulb

4.     GAPO

5.     Clovis


Creating a server using Koa.js framework

First, create a new directory for your application, then, using the terminal, navigate to the directory of your app and run:

npm init

To create a Node.js package.

Then run to install Koa.js

npm i koa

Afterward, navigate to the index file on your app’s directory using your favorite code editor and write the code below to create the server.

const koa = require('koa')

const app = new koa()


app.listen(2400, () => {console.log('Server running at PORT 2400')})

The code used to create the server is pretty straight forward, just import the koa module and use its listen method. To start the server, run node ‘name of your index file’ on the terminal.

Creating routes using Koa.js

Unlike its predecessor, Express, Koa.js does not handle routing by default. Instead, it uses a middleware library Known as Koa Router. So, to implement routes in our server, we will first need to run the snippet below to install Koa router library.

npm install koa-router

Then import the Koa router module onto your index file and add your desired routes. Below is a code example to demonstrate route creation using Koa.js.

const koa = require('koa')

const koaRouter = require('koa-router')// importing Koa-Router


const app = new koa()

const router = new koaRouter()


router.get('home', '/', (context) => {

  context.body = "Welcome to my Koa.js Server"




  .use(router.allowedMethods())// registering routes to the application


app.listen(2400, () => console.log('Server running at PORT 2400'))

Start the server again and test the route by sending a request from the browser.

Handling Responses in Koa.js

As we mentioned earlier, Koa response objects are embedded in its context object. This means that we access the response object from the context object. Let’s use a route definition like the one above to demonstrate handling responses.

router.get('home', '/', (context) => {

  context.status = 200 //This is the response status

  context.body   = "Welcome to my Koa.js Server" // This is the response body


Handling errors in Koa.js

To handle errors in Koa, add an error middleware early in your index file. It must be defined early because only errors defined after the middleware can be caught. The code below includes the error middleware in our server.

const koa = require('koa')

const koaRouter = require('koa-router')// importing Koa-Router


const app = new koa()

const router = new koaRouter()


app.use( async (ctx, next) => {

  try {

    await next()

  } catch(err) {


    ctx.status = err.status || 500;

    ctx.body = err.message;




router.get('home', '/', (context) => {

  context.body = "Welcome to my Koa.js Server"




  .use(router.allowedMethods())// registering routes to the application


app.listen(2400, () => console.log('Server running at PORT 2400'))

To test this let’s modify the home route method to throw an error when the route is called.



router.get('home', '/', (context) => {

  context.throw('Sample error message', 500)


Now run the server again and call the endpoint using a browser







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